How much money does the bank need to deposit to become a "VIP customer"? I final

When we go to the bank to handle business, we will find that some people will take the VIP channel, even if the hall is full of customers waiting, they will not be affected.

They can handle all kinds of business without queuing, and people are very envious after seeing such treatment.

Because handling business in the bank is not an easy thing, some business may take an hour or even longer to handle.

If there are many people in line, it may not be possible to take a turn in a day.

When you have the VIP channel, you can reduce this trouble, so everyone wants to know, how can you become a VIP user of the bank?

If you want to become a VIP user, of course, it is related to the deposit, and the requirements for deposits are different in different banks.


If you also want to become a VIP user, you can check the standards of major banks to see if you have a chance.I. The Four Major Banks

Nowadays, there are more and more banks around us, and each city has its own banks. However, in the eyes of the public, only the four major banks are considered authoritative and formal.

These are the Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Construction Bank of China. People prefer to deposit their money in these four major banks because they feel it is safer.

After all, these are state-owned banks, and even if there are some minor issues, they can provide us with corresponding protection.

These state-owned banks also set high thresholds for VIP customers.

After all, they are designed to serve high-net-worth customers, and only in this way can they demonstrate the strength of state-owned banks.

To become a VIP customer of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, one must pass their internal star rating system. Only those who reach a rating of five stars or above are eligible to become VIP users.

How can one achieve a standard of five stars or above?

(Note: The original text was cut off, so the translation ends abruptly here.)Of course, it is necessary to examine whether the customer's overall asset scale meets industry standards, as well as the daily trading activity and their own credit record.

If one's credit rating is not good, even with a relatively active trading capability, they cannot become a VIP user.

Of course, if you want a simpler approach, just hold a platinum card, and you can directly become a 6-star user; other methods to reach a 5-star status are particularly slow.

If you want to become a VIP customer of the Bank of China, the difficulty is also relatively high.

At least a monthly average deposit of 200,000 is required, so you can become their esteemed VIP customer.

This also shows that the Bank of China's standards are quite high, mainly targeting high-net-worth customers.

If you only have a regular card or a platinum savings card, you also need to meet certain deposit standards to enjoy rights and interests similar to those of a VIP.

Such methods are also for continuously screening customers, and banks also hope to serve more high-quality individuals.The standards of the Agricultural Bank of China seem to be higher than the first two, as they only cater to high-quality customers and also provide personalized services.

Therefore, in order to better bind with customers, naturally, stricter standards are needed to consider.

The Bank of China requires an average monthly deposit of 200,000 to become a VIP-level user, but at the Agricultural Bank, it is at least 1 million.

Or you can be invited by a financial manager to become a VIP, which can make you a special customer in the bank.

In addition to these, if you can become a gold card customer, you can still enjoy the treatment of a VIP level.

However, you must not be less than 100,000 yuan per day to have such a standard.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is really not easy to become a VIP customer of the Agricultural Bank of China.

As for the requirements of the Construction Bank and the Bank of China, there is not much difference, and it is also necessary to have a monthly deposit of more than 200,000.Or, if you maintain this on a stable basis for a period of three months, you could become a VIP-level user.


If you want to go a step further and become a sufficiently prestigious customer in the bank, this requires you to handle the corresponding financial products or to have a higher-level card.

In this way, when we go to the bank to handle various business, we can be more convenient.

This is the basic condition that the state-owned four major banks want to become their VIP customers to achieve.


Second, rural and township banks

In addition to the four major banks, there are also some rural and township banks around us.

Basically, every city has its own bank, and if you want to become a VIP customer of these banks, the conditions are much simpler.

Generally, we only need to deposit more than 100,000 yuan, and we can basically become a VIP customer of these rural and township banks.Even some banks do not require us to deposit such a large amount of money to become a VIP customer.

All you need is to have a good level of activity in this bank to meet their requirements.

It is a very normal phenomenon that the conditions and standards of rural banks are particularly low.

After all, rural banks only serve users in a certain area, unlike the four major banks that can serve the whole country.

The number of customers they serve is already very small. If they set high standards like the four major banks, they will certainly not be able to meet their sales standards.

In fact, banks, like other industries, also need to have a good sales volume to thrive.

In order to make more people feel at ease, or to make them feel comfortable enough to deposit money here, they can only lower the standards to meet their thoughts and requirements.

 III. High Standards of the Big Four Banks

After noticing such differences, everyone is particularly curious as to why the Big Four banks set very high standards for VIP customers? Some even surpass the standards of rural banks by more than a level. Especially for the Agricultural Bank, they require a monthly average deposit of 1 million to become a VIP customer, which is at least 10 times higher than the rural banks. The main reason is the difference in service quality and the customer groups pursued by both sides, which leads to the differences.

When we look at the users of the Big Four banks, we will find that they come from all over the country. Moreover, they are all outstanding people in the domestic financial field, capable of having excellent abilities in their respective fields. The services of the Big Four banks are spread throughout every corner of society. Whether you are a leader of a large enterprise or an individual, as long as you have enough money or are particularly outstanding, the Big Four banks will do their utmost to help you with services.If you find yourself in an inconvenient situation, there may even be a dedicated person who will come to your home to provide service.


This helps you complete various business processes, which can illustrate the differences between the four major banks and rural banks in the field of service.

In addition, the risks they can undertake are also very different compared to rural banks. The four major banks have very substantial funds, after all, they serve people across the country, and their reserves are naturally very large.

Moreover, they are more professional in risk control than rural banks.

They can control various risks to the lowest level, so as not to go bankrupt.


They also rely on the state behind them, and even if there is a little turmoil, they can handle it in a timely manner.

Finally, these four major banks have too many cooperative enterprises, and then provide us with more financial services.

For each financial service, the four major banks can get the corresponding return.So, in promoting these financial services, the four major industries can earn substantial returns.

Moreover, these financial services do indeed help some people achieve better revenue, meeting the market's diversified demands, and naturally enabling them to operate smoothly.

IV. Preference for Rural Banks

However, we will also notice an interesting phenomenon: rural banks sometimes win the favor of individual businesses or wealthy individuals.

They always place their assets in rural banks, mainly because the VIP services provided here are more meticulous.

After all, rural banks do not have many VIP customers to begin with, and once a VIP user appears, they will do their utmost to help them handle various business.

Dealing with various issues here is not particularly complex.

Therefore, we will find that the VIP customers in rural banks are very satisfied with the matters they handle.Moreover, for these four major state-owned banks, the threshold in rural banks is particularly low.

When they provide services, they can also be more meticulous, without so many VIP customers, naturally they can do their best to help you deal with some issues.


Another point is that these rural banks face greater market competition pressure.

Various banks are emerging around us, how can we stand out in the Chinese banking industry and attract some high-net-worth users?

That is to say, it needs to be achieved through more meticulous services.

Some even carry out services such as massage, hoping to let customers enjoy the feeling of being at home.

Only in this way can we be more satisfied when we handle VIP customers there.


ConclusionHow much money one needs to save in order to become a VIP customer actually does not have a fixed standard to measure; it still depends on your own financial strength.

If you want to enjoy VIP services as soon as possible, then deposit enough money in a rural bank, so that you can feel the treatment at the VIP level.

Wanting to become a VIP customer among the four major banks is still quite difficult.

It requires you to have ample funds, but no matter what, as long as your money is sufficient, you can enjoy VIP-level service treatment in all major banks.

It allows you to experience what it feels like to be served meticulously by bank staff.

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