The core of the future, technology sector.

Let's talk about the technology track today.

Capital from all over the world is being allocated around the technology track.

Take the U.S. stock market as an example, Nvidia's trading volume has long been ranked first in the U.S. stock market.

The combined transaction amount of Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google is not as much as that of Nvidia alone.

The second place is Tesla.

Tesla is not a company that only makes new energy vehicles as many people think. Whether it is in robotics, aerospace, or even in the field of technology manufacturing, there is a very important layout.

Almost all the capital in the world is focused on the main track of technology.


Although China's position in the field of technology is not as high as that of the United States, it will not lag too much, and A-shares are naturally the same.

Around the National Day of 2022, the concept of information creation was proposed, which is the starting point of the rise of technology in recent years.

In 2023, with the release of GPT 4.0, the entire AI technology was ignited.A variety of large-scale models are emerging one after another, and the pace of AI's upgrades and iterations is particularly fast. All kinds of artificial intelligence software are beginning to blossom everywhere.

From large models to multimodality, the efficiency of technological upgrades is actually very high.

From Soran to Kimi, various artificial intelligences that create surprises are all emerging.

After that, humanoid robots that have been prepared for a long time also seem to be going online, ready for mass production.

There are also intelligent vehicles, intelligent driving, and so on, which are constantly iterating on the road all the time.

The core of all technology, in the final analysis, consists of only two parts: one is software, and the other is hardware.

The so-called software is actually the brain of AI, that is, the large model, which is the brain of technology.

The other is hardware, which is used for the implementation of technology, that is, the manufacturing industry of technology.

But whether it is software or hardware, the root behind it, or the foundation, is computing power.

Therefore, a large-scale infrastructure project of technology has started around computing power.What will technology be like in the future, and how will artificial intelligence develop? Will it be like the metaverse of a few years ago, which was stillborn?

Everyone definitely wants to know the answer.

From the perspective of an onlooker, let's talk about the path of future technological development and the corresponding opportunities.


1. Why is the endgame of artificial intelligence and the metaverse different?

The last round of technological hype was about the metaverse, which was in the second half of 2021.

Facebook, in order to fully commit to the metaverse, even changed the company's name to Meta.

The blueprint of the metaverse depicted at that time, how many capitals rushed into the market wantonly, and a stone aroused thousands of waves.

However, more than two years later, it seems that no one in the market talks about the metaverse anymore, just as no one talks about the AR/VR, virtual reality of that year.

It's not that the industry has stopped developing, but the development of the industry has stagnated.Everyone's understanding of technology is different, but there is an essential difference between AI and the metaverse.

The metaverse does not provide actual productivity; it is more like a virtual world scenario that humans pursue in the pursuit of a higher civilization.

However, AI, its application end, is very close to life, or it can bring a leap in productivity.

For example, the large models that are now widely used can mainly solve search engines, text production, animation production, image optimization, office software optimization and efficiency improvement, and can also be applied to humanoid robots, manufacturing and processing, and many other fields.

As long as AI does not get out of control, it is a benefit to humanity, increasing our productivity.

This is no longer the same dimension as the artificial intelligence that focused on playing chess in the past two years, and the things it does are completely different.

The metaverse, on the other hand, is more inclined towards entertainment, and before it is widely applied, it does not bring too much value, and naturally, it gradually fades out of people's sight.

Therefore, the progress of science and technology ultimately depends on whether it can bring positive social development, taking advanced productivity as a major direction and symbol.

2. Where is the core or key technology of the technological industry upgrade?

The core of technology, at least at this stage, is definitely concentrated in computing power.In fact, the market has already provided an answer to this point.

It is not only in the field of artificial intelligence, but also at the foundation of all technological development, that computing power is needed.

In fact, the concept of computing power was felt by everyone in the era of mining a few years ago.

At that time, we were accustomed to calling computing power "graphics card". Only with a good graphics card, the calculation of data would be fast, and the efficiency of mining would be high.

Computing power itself refers to the speed of computation.

The upgrade of electronic technology and information technology cannot be separated from the speed of computation, so computing power is the foundation and core.

This is just like, if there are no highways or high-speed railways, then the efficiency of transportation, especially medium and short-distance transportation, will be very slow.

The core of future technological development must still revolve around the priority of computing power infrastructure, and then a variety of models and AI intelligent services will be produced.

Behind every word with "intelligence" is a huge computing power center as support.

3. What will be the journey of our country's technological development, and which tracks or listed companies will have opportunities?It must be admitted that we are somewhat behind in technology.

However, the issue should not be viewed in this way. Originally, our technology was decades behind advanced countries like the United States and other developed nations.

Through our continuous efforts, many technologies have caught up, and the core technologies are only 2-3 years behind.

The gap between us is being bridged, or rather, it is continuously narrowing.

Looking at the history of all technological developments, what we do can be divided into two paths.

The first is the development of domestic alternatives through independent research, which is a path that must be taken, otherwise we will always be at the mercy of others.

Correspondingly, it is actually the large-scale computing infrastructure, with the core being computing chips.

Although the R&D capabilities are slightly weaker, and the products made are not as advanced, the market for domestic substitution is very large.

In this regard, the domestic demand space for this part is a guaranteed base, and the external demand needs to be earned by one's own strength.

The second is contract manufacturing, simply put, it is supply chain technology, leaning towards the hardware direction.In some niche fields, such as the CPO sector, we already have some listed companies that stand at the pinnacle of the world, capable of taking on a large number of orders.

Supply chain has always been our strong suit, and as long as we can achieve substitution in technology manufacturing, it will be very difficult for competitors to catch up with us.

Therefore, in the technology hardware track that is biased towards manufacturing, listed companies with orders actually have a very large opportunity, and the certainty is very strong.

The development of the entire technology is very fast, but the road to catch up is very long.

It is easy to improve from 50 points to 80 points, but from 90 points, 95 points, to 98 points, 100 points, it is very long.

The more towards the cutting-edge, the greater the challenges, and the more technology blockades from the top, we can only conquer them by ourselves.

But this great nation has never been behind the powers, and sooner or later, it will also stand at the top of technology, it just takes more time.

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