The stock market is not about success or failure as the measure of a hero.

There is a viewpoint in the market.

In the stock market, one's success or failure and profit or loss are ultimately the criteria for being a hero.

Those who make money must be experts, and those who lose money must be novices.

This seems to be correct, but it is not entirely right.

In a bull market, when everyone is making money, are they all heroes?

In a bear market, can the small number of people who make money really make a lot of money in a bull market?

Even in the stock market, losing money does not mean that this investor is very unsuccessful and a loser in life.

This market can give us too many things, not just economic wealth.

Perhaps most people enter the stock market with the goal of making money, but what the stock market ultimately gives everyone is different.


Just like my father, he has been in the market for more than 30 years and has not made much money. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a loser and has not even enjoyed the dividends of the times. But his daily joy and his attention to the country and the world, as well as his understanding of current affairs and finance, are actually of great significance to his life. The market has entrusted his emotions and also allowed him to grow in the middle.Those who can make a living from the stock market and earn money through stock trading are, after all, a minority.

Some may say that heroes are also a minority.

However, the heroes in the stock market are not the same as the heroes in reality.

Heroes in reality are those who support the collapsing building and rescue the people in danger, while the so-called heroes in the stock market are all quietly making a fortune.

And those heroes who are on the surface, the vast majority are pseudo-heroes, or even a group of swindlers.

So the success or failure in the stock market does not determine whether one is a hero.

In the stock market, those who succeed are like a monk sweeping the floor, they do not show off, and are dedicated to making their own money.

And the stock market is not a place for ordinary people to compete with swords.

It is more like a battlefield for everyone to practice.

Whether it is to learn the peerless martial arts and show off in the stock market, or to learn a trick or two to protect oneself in the world, or just to cultivate the mind and enjoy it, it depends on the individual's understanding.Regardless of whether it ultimately leads to profit or loss, all investors involved can demonstrate their wisdom, courage, and judgment in the stock market.

What else can ordinary people gain from the stock market besides making money?

Having been exposed to stocks for over 20 years and actively trading for 17 years, I would like to share my personal feelings.

Firstly, decision-making ability.

Decision-making ability, also known as trading ability.

It may seem simple at first glance, which is about the selection of stocks and the timing of buying and selling.

But in reality, decision-making in the stock market is not easy.

Or rather, most people have to go through a long process.

From simplicity to complexity, and eventually back to simplicity.At first, we might think that buying and selling is easy, but the probability of making mistakes in transactions is quite high, so we start to be cautious.

In the following time, transactions will become more complex, and you will consider many things, even being somewhat hesitant.

This will have some effect, but there will still be frequent situations of losing money.

In the end, you will find that excellent trading decisions are not actually complex, and they are still relatively simple, as long as there are a set of rules.

If you pay great attention to decision-making, your decision-making ability will be greatly improved over the years.

After screening with a few simple dimensions, you can make decisions that are relatively in line with your own standards.

Secondly, financial knowledge.

Stock trading does not necessarily require a lot of financial knowledge, just find the rules of the stock.

However, investment must require rich financial knowledge.

Stock market investment can use the theory of the technical school to practice, and there is also a certain opportunity to make money.However, more often than not, it is the underlying investment logic that is needed to guide the direction of investment, the trend of the market, the choice of track, and the selection of stocks.

This requires a lot of financial knowledge.

The stock market is a barometer of the economy. Although it cannot be completely linked to the economy, it is definitely closely related.

The expectations of the economy determine the overall trend of the stock market, and there are many things to understand.

Financial knowledge does not necessarily determine whether you can make money in the stock market, otherwise economists would all be rich from stock trading.

However, financial knowledge can help us judge many things, not just the rise and fall of stocks, but also the patterns of cycles.

In reality, investment in many fields requires the comprehensive application of financial knowledge.

Third, mental cultivation.

Cultivating the mind in the stock market is undoubtedly important.

Most people will lose themselves when they first enter the stock market.The reason for this situation is due to immature mental states and a lack of experience with the dramatic ups and downs of the stock market.

The stock market uses its upward movements to give investors a beautiful expectation, while using its brutal declines to erode the mentality of investors.

Cultivating a mindset in the stock market is a long process because it requires a sufficient amount of experience.

The mentality during a bull market and a bear market is completely different, which is why it is said that many people cannot be considered mentally complete if they have not experienced a bear market.

When the market trend subverts your cognition, your mentality will collapse.

Cultivating a mindset is a process, not something that can be achieved overnight. No matter how much others tell you, it is better for you to spend some time in the stock market yourself.

Because the joy, the sadness, the happiness, and the pain are not something that can be described to you in words by others.

When your heart is as calm as still water, it means that your mentality in the stock market has been honed almost to perfection.

Fourth, analytical ability.

The stock market can also train the analytical abilities of most people.This analytical capability is multidimensional, whether it's financial analysis, market analysis, or trend analysis.

The so-called analytical ability is to use one's own experience in the stock market to analyze changes in the stock market and make future predictions.

In the stock market, you need to take the lead, that is, to be one step ahead of others.

When you see the market rising, it's actually a step late, this rise is actually a confirmation signal, not a prediction signal.

You must grasp the future direction or the most likely trend through analysis before the market has not yet happened.

Analysis is multidimensional.

There are large market dimensions, trend dimensions, small stock dimensions, capital dimensions, and so on.

Analytical ability can give investors a pair of "wise eyes", not only in the stock market, but also in all aspects, through complete logical thinking to analyze many objective things.

Fifth, recognize oneself.

The last feeling the stock market gives me is that it allows me to see myself clearly.In fact, everyone can see their truest self from the stock market.

One's mentality, temper, the ability to analyze and grasp objective situations, decision-making ability, and composure, etc.

The experience in the stock market is completely different from what we do every day, so it can make people grow faster.

The changes in the stock market are very fast. These changes not only make people grow but also allow people to see their own shortcomings and strengths.

Recognizing oneself is a very valuable thing, which can help us make more progress and improvements in all aspects of life.

Perhaps, you haven't made money in the stock market, but when you look back at your road of stock trading, you can always find your own growth.

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