A-shares: Everyone should be mentally prepared, the stock market may well repeat

The Vanity of Bullish Self-Praise and Reality

Dear bulls, do you really feel good about your self-satisfaction? Although you previously staged a bullish trend in the A-share market, in reality, it was nothing more than a minor consolidation rebound. You claim to be humble, but deep down, you are proud of your "achievements." However, your actions cannot withstand scrutiny.

Currently, the bears have launched a fierce attack, with the three major indices collectively breaking new lows, and the market atmosphere is gloomy. Isn't this a blow to your self-righteousness? Perhaps in your view, the previous increases were just "probing" attacks, and now it is the "real deal" for the bears. But have you ever thought that it is your own performance that has allowed the bears to seize the opportunity and decide to act?


Bulls, you may feel a bit aggrieved, thinking that you are the masters of the A-share market. But please think twice before acting, and do not indulge in self-intoxication, trying to cover up your vanity and arrogance with humble words. Facing reality and recognizing your limitations is the top priority. Remember, in the investment market, arrogance is the biggest enemy.

The current situation is severe. If the A-share trend really repeats the bear market of 2018, it will undoubtedly be a nightmare for investors. Bulls, do you have the ability to lead everyone through the difficulties? Or can you only watch the stock market fall again and again? I believe these issues are troubling the hearts of investors. However, I want to tell everyone that the bulls may not really want to make money for everyone; they are more likely to satisfy their own vanity.

So, investors, when facing the rhetoric of the bulls, please keep a clear mind and do not be easily confused by their bluffing. Only by carefully assessing the market situation and prudently formulating investment strategies is the way to go. After all, in the financial market, the only reliable thing is cold data and facts.

Bears are eyeing their prey, where will the bulls go?

At present, the A-share market is once again shrouded in gloom, with the three major indices breaking new lows, and investors are worried. This is undoubtedly a blow to the bulls who have always been full of hope. They were complacent before, thinking they had finally found the way to regain the bull market, but they did not expect the bears to be eyeing their prey!

While the bulls are relieved, the bears are also unable to suppress their inner excitement. They can't wait to swallow these self-praising bulls and give them a lesson. After all, the so-called "consolidation rebound" of the bulls is undoubtedly a joke in the eyes of the bears. Now that the bears have finally found an opportunity, they naturally want to deal with these arrogant guys.

However, even in the case of the three major indices setting new lows, there are still some optimists who insist that this is only a "probing attack" by the bulls, not a real "full-scale attack." They believe that the bulls still have the strength to support the A-share market to emerge from the gloom and restart the bull market. But this idea may be too naive.Judging from the current market trends, the momentum of the bears has completely overshadowed that of the bulls. Faced with the relentless onslaught of the bears, the bulls appear to be at a loss and struggle to respond effectively. What's more concerning is that this situation seems to foreshadow, to some extent, the terrifying bear market of 2018 that may be returning. If this is indeed the case, it would undoubtedly be a double blow to the vast number of investors.

So, can we really avoid the repetition of history? The answer is probably not straightforward. As the article points out, although the bulls have been trying to find the right way to take long positions, they have not yet found a breakthrough as of now. Under such circumstances, the bulls may only be able to watch helplessly as the stock market sinks into the quagmire again, with no way out.

For investors, this is undoubtedly a huge challenge. Although we all hope to see the bulls regain leadership and bring the A-shares back to a bull market, what should we do if this vision is not realized for a long time?

What I want to tell everyone is that in this difficult time, we must not be swayed by emotions, nor be easily deceived by those arrogant bulls. Instead, we should remain calm and rational, carefully assess the market situation, and prudently formulate investment strategies. After all, in the financial market, the only reliable things are cold data and facts.

We need to closely monitor the movements of the bears and understand the strategies they may adopt next. At the same time, we should also objectively evaluate the strength of the bulls and see if they really have the ability to turn the tide. Only in this way can we make wiser investment decisions, minimize risks, and protect the safety of our assets.

Of course, we should not be too pessimistic. After all, history always repeats itself but never exactly. Perhaps, just when we are most desperate, the bulls will suddenly find a breakthrough and regain the initiative. At that time, it will once again refresh our understanding of the A-share market. Therefore, we must maintain an open and inclusive attitude, patiently waiting for market changes.

In summary, at this critical moment, we must remain vigilant and hopeful. Only in this way can we stand out in this tug-of-war between bulls and bears, and safely get through the difficulties. After all, the road of investment is long, and only perseverance, wisdom, and courage are our most reliable talismans.

The "ominous" ghost of 2016 for the bulls

Under the dark clouds of the bear market, the bulls are in a desperate situation, and investors are extremely frustrated. Just as everyone is worried about whether the A-shares will repeat the heartbreaking plunge of 2018, some people have put forward an interesting viewpoint: perhaps, the trend of the A-share market is not heading towards 2018, but is more likely to reproduce the historical trajectory of 2016.This statement undoubtedly offers a refreshing perspective. After all, although 2016 also experienced a certain degree of fluctuation, in comparison, it does not seem to have dealt such a heavy blow to investors. So, can A-shares really regain the trajectory of 2016? Is the bullish side expected to revive its vigor through their own "determination"?

Looking back at the trend of A-shares in 2016, it is not difficult to find that that year was indeed "grand and magnificent." After the sharp decline in 2015, the A-share market in 2016 showed a staggering trend, with the battle between bulls and bears rising and falling. However, even in such a turbulent environment, the bulls never gave up hope of regaining the bull market.

As the article stated, in the rise starting from 2904 points, although the overall market had some "tortuous" movements, the bulls were still working hard, trying to find the best way to grasp the market. This determination and persistence are undoubtedly admirable. After all, in the investment market, everyone knows that it is not easy to maintain a leading position for a long time.

But the problem is, do the bulls really want to make money for everyone, or are they just satisfying their own vanity? This is undoubtedly a question worth pondering. We have to admit that sometimes, those "bullish big shots" who shout in the market, in their hearts, may have more self-aggrandizement than real investment concepts.

This will undoubtedly bring a lot of confusion to investors. After all, we all hope to follow those "gurus" who really understand the market and get rich returns in the stock market. But if these "gurus" themselves have problems, how should we choose?

Perhaps, we should learn to think more independently and not be easily confused by those gorgeous words. After all, in the financial market, the only credible thing is the cold data and facts. We need to learn to jump out of the appearance and delve into the essence of the problem in order to make wiser judgments.

Of course, even in such an environment, we cannot completely deny the determination and efforts of the bulls. After all, although they may have some problems, they have been trying to find a way to rebuild the bull market. If they can really find the right method, then the A-share market may really be able to regain the scene of 2016, and continue to balance in the rise and fall.

This is undoubtedly an exciting prospect for investors. After all, compared with the sharp decline in 2018, the fluctuating market in 2016 seems to be much more "gentle" and "friendly". However, we still need to remain vigilant and not be easily confused by these "hopes".

In short, facing the current A-share market, we should maintain an open and inclusive attitude, but also maintain rationality and caution. Only in this way can we find our own place in this battle between bulls and bears, and make the best investment choices. After all, the road of investment is long, only wisdom and courage are our most reliable talismans.The path of investment is long and arduous; only wisdom and courage can guide us through.

Difficult times always test one's wisdom and courage. Facing the current downturn in the A-share market, the vast number of investors are undoubtedly in the midst of a severe trial. On one hand, they worry whether the A-share market will repeat the bear market of 2018, bringing a heavy blow to their wealth; on the other hand, they are full of anticipation for whether the bulls can find a breakthrough to rebuild the bull market.

For investors, this is undoubtedly a dilemma. However, if we can maintain calmness and rationality, we will find that the road ahead is not entirely obscured. As long as we can apply appropriate wisdom and courage, we will surely be able to navigate through this difficult period.

Firstly, we must learn to maintain an open and inclusive mindset. In this rapidly changing financial market, we must not be deceived by appearances, nor can we easily be beguiled by those arrogant bulls. Instead, we must learn to step out of the existing framework, carefully assess the market situation, and objectively analyze the trends of various forces. Only in this way can we make wiser investment decisions.

At the same time, we also need to have enough courage. Faced with the market's violent fluctuations, many investors will inevitably feel panic and even make some impulsive decisions. However, we must overcome this panic and maintain rationality and composure. Only in this way can we keep a clear head in this tug-of-war between bulls and bears, avoid being passively affected by the market, and actively control the safety of our own assets.

As mentioned earlier, we must learn to think independently and not be easily deceived by those gorgeous words. At the same time, we must also learn to patiently wait for changes in the market. Perhaps, when we are most desperate, the bulls will suddenly find a breakthrough and regain the initiative. At that time, it will once again refresh our understanding of the A-share market.

However, no matter how the market changes, we must maintain a cautious and pragmatic attitude. After all, in the financial market, the only reliable thing is cold data and facts. We must learn to delve into the essence of the problem and not be deceived by appearances. Only in this way can we make wiser investment choices, minimize risks, and protect the safety of our assets.

In summary, facing the various challenges of the current A-share market, we need to exert our wisdom and courage. Only in this way can we find our place in this battle between bulls and bears, navigate through the difficulties steadily, and lay a solid foundation for future development. After all, the path of investment is long and arduous, and only wisdom and courage are our most reliable talismans.

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